📕 subnode [[@agora@botsin.space/pkg book]]
in 📚 node [[pkg-book]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-06-19.md by @flancian
#push [[pkg book]]
[[pkg book chapters]] https://kvistgaard.github.io/pkg-test/#/page/abstracts
[[deadline]] [[2022-09-01]]
- "Full chapter submission: Sep 1st, 2022"
- I should probably set a personal deadline of July 31st: [[2022-07-31]].
[[deadline]] [[2022-09-01]]
[[pkg book chapters]] https://kvistgaard.github.io/pkg-test/#/page/abstracts
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-11-30.md by @flancian
#push [[pkg book]]
- [[george anadiotis]]
- main thing is to get the text polished
[[graphs]] could be nice to have but it's not essential
- time aspect -- how nodes were started by one user, then others added to it, etc.
- colored hairball could be OK
[[social knowledge graph]] or [[knowledge commons]]?
- knowledge commons is very much to the point
- both are accurate
network effect
- from personal to social knowledge graph omg/58738 - [[interpersonal knowledge graph]]
pushed from stoa/doc.anagora.org/agora-pkg-chapter.md by @anonymous@doc.anagora.org
Couldn't parse #push. See source for content.
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/pkg-book
- video call at meet.jit.si/pkg-book